jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015

U.S. Offering $3 Million Reward for the Arrest of Russian Hacker

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-Cognitio Verum-

One of the largest rewards is now being offered by US authorities for information leading to the arrest of notorious Russian hacker, Evgeniy Bogachev. This hacker is now well known for hacking into bank accounts and faces charges of hacking, robbery and other fraudulent activity relating to computer systems and networks. According to various news reports, Bogachev has stolen more than $100 million and infected more than one million personal computers, servers and networks in his multiple hacking operations.
With the help of a piece of malware, dubbed ‘ZEUS’, he is able to steal private information from the public, like bank account numbers, passwords and other personal information. Using various methods, including sending emails with links to malicious sites and ‘phishing’, Bogachev tricked internet users to download and install the ZEUS malware on their machines and in September of 2014, the United States has put up a $3 million reward for his arrest. Evgeniy Bogachev is now considered to be the largest threat to the American banking systems.

This is the highest reward ever offered by the US in cyber crime cases and Bogachev has made the list of the ‘most wanted hackers in the world’. He goes by the aliases ‘slavik’ and ‘lucky12345′. Bogachev was last seen in Russia and according to the FBI, Russia has now started working with US authorities to fight back against his cyber crime operations. In the past, Russia hadn’t been putting in too much effort to arrest Bogachev, although they did say that he has been charged many times for running his network, ‘gameover zeus’ and his ZEUS malware, ‘jabber zeus’. It’s going to be hard, however, for the US to arrest, let alone find, Bogachev as the US and Russia don’t have a very good relationship at this time.


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