{In the following article you will read a critical information that will make you think twice before searching in the web. For this reason we recommend you to protect your mobiles and PCs from malicious hackers, and start surfing anonymously, protect your IPs to prevent to be tracked.}
-Cognitio Verum-
Our smartphones are always within reach and their location is generally the same as our location. In effect, tracking the location of a smartphone is practically the same as tracking the location of its owner. Since users generally prefer that their location not be tracked by arbitrary 3rd parties, all mobile platforms consider the device’s location as sensitive information and go to considerable lengths to protect it: applications need explicit user permission to access the phone’s GPS and even reading coarse location data based on cellular and WiFi connectivity requires explicit user permission. In this study we show that applications that want access to location data can bypass all these restrictions and covertly learn the phone’s location – these are the technical, and scary, words coming from Stanford’s research paper.
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