It is important to highlight the growing inequality of this generation. While the US economy has “created” $30 trillion in new wealth, six million more children have come to rely on food stamps. How does a country become more wealthy…. Yet have more poor children at the same time?
Here are some numbers that show the substantial fall of the middle class over the last 35 years.
1. 138,000 Kids Were Homeless while 115,000 Households Were Each Making $10 Million Per Year
Latest data has shown that the richest 0.1% (115,000 households) have amassed an additional wealth of $10 million per year while an astonishing 138,000 children did not even have a roof over their head, according to theUS Department of Housing.
2. The Average U.S. Household Pays $400 to Feed and Clothe Walmart, McDonald’s, and Other Low-Wage Workers
Workers earning less than $10.10 an hour are paid $45 billion per year as federal, state, and other safety net support, reports the Economic Policy Institute. In essence, the average U.S. household is paying about $400 to employees in low-wage industries such as food service, retail, and personal care.
Walmart’s much-publicized $1 wage raise will cost the company about $1 billion a year, while it had reported about $25 billion in profits last year .
The story gets even more shameful. Here’s what a PBS report had to say: Walmart has spent about $6.5 billion per year on stock buybacks to enrichinvestors, approximately the same total annual amount billed to taxpayers for food stamps, Medicaid, housing, and other safety net programs for the company’s underpaid employees.
3. As $30 Trillion in New Wealth was being Created, the Number of Kids on Food Stamps Increased 70%
Before the global financial crisis and the recession, the root cause of which can attributed to the greed of rich investors, 12 out of every 100 American children were on food stamps. Compare this to the after-recession figure of 20 out of 100 American children. That’s nearly a 70 percent increase; from 9.5 million kids in 2007 to 16 million kids in 2014.
Meanwhile, U.S. wealth has grown by over $30 trillion. Even with that baffling escalation of wealth in the country, the US of A wasn’t able to ensure food security for millions of its most vulnerable citizens.
4. Despite the Decline in Food Security, the Food Stamp Program was Cut by $8.6 Billion and the Money Paid to Corporate Agriculture
While more and more children are living in a state of hunger, the large agricultural firms continue to take taxpayer money in order to supplement their billions in profits. The farm bill of 2014 cut $8.6 billion (over the next ten years) from the food stamp program, of which nearly half of all participants are children. At the same time, the largest 10 percent of farm operators are given benefits worth $14 billion annually.
Paul Buchheit, writing for Commondreams, believes that the mainstream media only highlights the resurgent economy, the booming stock market, and the drop in unemployment, ignoring the reality for the majority of Americans, ” The stock market has enriched only about ten percent of America, handing them millions of dollars since the recession, while the newly available jobs are well below the skill levels of college-trained adults and often without health care and retirement benefits. Too many once-prosperous Americans are beaten up and broken down, waiting in vain for our elected leaders to stop the redistribution of our national wealth.”
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