viernes, 13 de febrero de 2015

Your Smart TV is Quietly Watching You!

{Hallo everyone the purpose of this publication is to create awareness in the society because we are living in a new era new world where nothing is private, where is a lot of kind of metods to spy us, to track us, and we need to find the way to be protected, we must be cautious and be careful with what devices we use, what subjects we speak because believe it or not there are others listening and watching everything you do and what your family does. Recommendations; Protect your pc and mobile devices from hackers, and surf anonymously, because you or your family could be in dangerous.}

-Cognitio Verum-

SAMSUNG already introduced smart TV to the technology world which is so smart now that it is able to listen your side talks. We can say third person is listening your talks with the help of Samsung smart TV. Just imagine you are with your family or with your friends watching television and without your knowledge your smart TV is listening your personal talks and sends them to the third parties.

On this, Samsung said "we employ high security on our smart TVs which includes data encryption, secure consumers’ personal data. We have install voice recognition so that users can experience good service of smart TV,with the help of voice recognition feature user can control smart TV with the help OF his voice instead of buttons while we have also provided options for activating or deactivating the voice recognition. User can easily recognize whether the voice recognition is activated or deactivated with the help of microphone icon present on the TV screen. if the microphone is available on the screen it means your voice recognition is activated and if it is not available on the screen then it’s deactivated".

Samsung also added regarding data being sended to third parties:

"Samsung does not retain voice data or sell it to third parties. If a consumer consents and uses the voice recognition feature, voice data is provided to a third party during a requested voice command search. At that time, the voice data is sent to a server, which searches for the requested content then returns the desired content to the TV

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That is what Samsung responded to the following issue.we hope you don’t discuss any personal information in front your smart TV or you can just simply disconnect your smart TV with the internet connection and enjoy the popcorn. While PARKER HIGGINS also warned people about Samsung smart TV via Twitter.

Left: Samsung SmartTV privacy policy, warning users not to discuss personal info in front of their TV Right.

To get more information visit Anonymous/CyberSecurity Or study any cyber security course to open your own eyes.


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